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Down at the Farm-Charity Family Fun Day

If you have recently stayed in the loop with all Rosie May activities via the blog, you will know that Mary and Laura are currently in Nepal working with our NGO partner SAHAS Nepal on our various projects (see here).

An important part of our partnership with SAHAS is assisting the development of organic and sustainable agricultural by supporting this amazing Women’s Progressive Group in Nepal (read about Laura’s visit by clicking here!)

Back in August the Rosie May Foundation hosted a fun filled charity family fun day, ‘Down at the Farm’ to raise money for the women’s group. I had the pleasure of interning for the Rosie May Foundation over summer and had the task of organising this day for an incredible cause!

Located at the Eco-Centre Community Care Farm, in Screveton Bingham the vision for the day was simple- a family orientated day out that encouraged people to enjoy the beautiful natural environment surrounding the farm and raise money for the RMF’s and Eco-Centre’s joint projects for the women’s progressive group in Nepal. A 5k Fun Run had been a vision of Farmer David (Owner of the Eco-Centre) for a while now- so we wanted to put that vision to reality while having fun and games after the run on the farm.

The day raised an incredible £1390.00 for the cause, so thank you so much for everyone that came and supported the event! We had a turn out of an incredible 41 runners for our main event 5k farm fun run and you would not have guessed it but we didn’t even have a drop of rain! (Whoever said organising an outdoor event in British summer time was hard clearly never experienced RMF spirit, determination and optimism!)

Thanks to Jane Lewis, trustee of the charity and personal trainer who did a fantastic job for warming up the runners before their 5k run! It was a personal highlight of the day, after the hustle and bustle of mad organisation- it was amazing to see the 41 5k runners lined up and spread out, undertaking their pre-run warm ups, with music blasting out, people giggling and having fun- it was really special to see all these people who had turned up ready to run for our cause together.

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After the 5k we had a little bit of everything for everyone to get involved with- we had a family nature trail around the farm, a British Scone Bake Off, Welly Wanging, Goat Racing and trailer rides on the farm!

Overall we had just over 100 people attending the day, what was especially nice was that we reached out to a diverse group, from loyal RMF and Eco-Centre supporters and sponsors to families from the Bingham area who had never visited the Eco-Centre and wanted to learn more.

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This was a first time event for the RMF and Eco-Centre but after the incredible success of the day we hope to make it an annual event for all to enjoy!

To all that attended on the day, to all those who sweated and ached from the 5k run, to the media and local businesses that helped advertise our event, to all the volunteers that made the event possible- a huge thank you from the RMF, you ran, did welly wanging, ate yummy cakes and scones all for a fantastic and meaningful cause in Nepal.

I’d also like to end on the note that interning for the Rosie May Foundation over summer was a truly rewarding and incredible experience. The work RMF does is inspiring and meaningful, while the RMF team itself is driven, motivated and I feel incredibly thankful to have spent time with such a fantastic and lovely team!!!

Scroll through the photos of the day from our official photographer Pete Sharman here on Flickr.

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Sending RMF love to all! xxxxxxxxx


Tea Party Gallery

Throughout May, Rosie May Foundation supporters across the world hosted vintage afternoon tea parties to celebrate Rosie May’s Birthday. We initially asked for 22 tea parties, for Rosie May’s twenty second birthday and actually managed to throw forty worldwide – It was an incredible success! Our total raised is £4,129.70!!!

world map
Thank you to everyone who threw a tea party, or came along to support one, and a special thank you to our sponsor Tatler’s Tea, for providing the tea parties with their very own Sri Lankan Tea, as well as providing tea and cakes for the girls and staff at the Rosie May Home!

Congratulations and Thank you to Tuija Cooper and Melanie Taylor for their fabulous Tea Party, held at Paul’s Restaurant in Bottesford, who won our Vintage Photo competition! What an amazing display!

Watch this video of BBC presenter Anne Davis hosting her own Rosie May Tea Party. Look’s Delicious!

Check out some of our scrumptious photos from across the world right here: